ASCE’s Annual Spring Technical Seminar
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Norfolk Branch cordially invites you to join us for ASCE's Annual Spring Technical Seminar to listen to respectable local consultants as well as local transportation authorities. Up to 7 PDHs will be given.
Cost - Early Bird & Younger Members $125 (until March 15th)
Members - $175 (after March 15th)
Non-Members - $175 ($200 after March 15th)
Vendors - $200 ($225 after March 15th)
Local Students - $25
Seating is limited, visit the Eventbrite link provided below to register:
Please register by 5:00pm, Friday April 26th, 2019.
Ticket Prices include Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks
Event Program includes the Following Presentations:
Morning Session: Recent Completed Tunnel Construction Projects in Hampton Roads
Immersed Tunnel Design and Construction: Midtown Tunnel Project
Speakers: Fred Parkinson III (WSP) & Wade Watson (Skanska)
Bored Tunnel Design and Construction: Parallel Thimble Shoal Project
Speakers: John Hellman (Project Executive), Roger Escoda (Project Manager) & Jose Ignacio Martin Alos (Senior Vice President)
Mid-day Session: Tunnel Maintenance and Repair
Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Asset Management, Maintenance and Operations
Speaker: Mike Crist, CBBT Deputy Executive Director
Elizabeth River Tunnels Asset Management, Maintenance and Operations
Speakers: Brian Murphy (Facilities Maintenance Manager), Ryan McLane (Operations Manager) & Matthew Echternach (Senior Civil Engineer)
Virginia Tunnels Repair, Rehabilitation and Upgrades
Speakers: Chris Foley (AECOM) & David Gibbings (JACOBS)
Afternoon Session: Local Updates
Hampton Roads Transportation Accountability Commission Update
Speaker: Mr. Kevin Page, Executive Director of HRTAC
Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel Expansion Project Design and Construction
Speakers: Winning Team
Moderators/Points of Contact
Jim Hummel & Mohamad S. Amine
E-mail: E-mail: