HRBT Expansion Project Lunch and Learn
ASCE Norfolk with support of ODU Civil and Environmental Engineering invites you to a Lunch and Learn for an Update of the HRBT Expansion Project.
ASCE Norfolk with support of ODU Civil and Environmental Engineering invites you to a Lunch and Learn for an Update of the HRBT Expansion Project.
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the Structural Engineering
Institute {SEI), and the Virginia Floodplain Management Association {VFMA) are
holding an all-day joint technical seminar and morning/afternoon panel
discussions. Mark your calendars!
The Engineers Club of Hampton Roads in association with American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Norfolk Branch Virginia Society of Professional Engineers (VSPE) Tidewater Chapter present 2025 Engineers Week Banquet.
ASCE Norfolk is hosting a Friendsgiving on November 20, 2024 5:30pm-7:30pm. Join our young professionals for a time to socialize over food and meet up with ASCE members in-person.
Lunch and Learn on new VDEQ Stormwater Management Handbook, the first major overhaul of stormwater design guidance in over a decade.
TSA is a national organization of students engaged in STEM competitions that address different interest areas rooted in architecture, communications, engineering, leadership, and technology research. Through competitions that are held at the regional, state, and national levels, TSA strives to develop students’ leadership skills within technical world through events such as biotechnology design, flight endurance, and structural engineering.
This is a yearly college & career fair at the Blair Middle School, where 7th and 8th graders are introduced to different career paths. Several other organizations participate with this program, to provide exciting and career information for the students.
This is a yearly Career Day at the Suburban Park ES, where students, families, teachers, and associates participate to provide exciting and career information for the students.
This is a yearly STEM competition program for Junior HS and Senior HS divisions in the tidewater area. Students usually research, design, and create projects over a period of time through the coordination of their local educators; ASCE – Norfolk Branch judges, as well as other organizations and local educators will review the students’ abstracts prior to the TSEF day and also interact with the students and their projects on the TSEF day.
This is a yearly science fair night program by CAES, where students, families, and associates participate to provide exciting and educational fun activities for the students.
TSA is a national organization of students engaged in STEM that compete on the regional, state, and national levels. They strive to teach students how to lead in a technical world through events such as biotechnology design, flight endurance, and structural engineering.
SCE - Norfolk Branch and SEI - Norfolk Chapter are co-sponsoring a Bowling Happy Hour!
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) and the Virginia Floodplain Management Association (VFMA) are holding an all-day joint technical seminar and panel discussion on Tuesday, April 4, 2023. We are excited to have the following six speakers discussing how designing for resiliency has shaped the decisions around future planning for the Hampton Roads Region:
Integrating the Six Facets of Resiliency for Holistic Responses to our Changing Environment
Brian Batten, PhD, CFM, Dewberry
Virginia Coastal Resilience Master Plan Phase 1 & Phase 2
Matt Dalon, PE, CFM, Virginia DCR
Regional Collaboration for Resilience in Hampton Roads
Ben McFarlane, AICP, CFM, HRPDC
Lessons Learned from Updating a Stormwater Master Plan
C.J. Bodnar, PE, City of Virginia Beach
Norfolk CSRM: Engineering Efforts of the Non-Federal Sponsor
Kyle Spencer, GISP, CFM, City of Norfolk
Floodplain Management, Policy, and Planning: Contributors to Community Resiliency
Chad M. Berginnis, CFM, Executive Director of ASFPM
This event will consist of six sessions with various speakers and a dynamic and engaging panel discussion led by industry leader and long-time Hampton Roads engineer, Michael Barbachem,
P.E. PDHs and CFM continuing education credits will be provided.
For sponsorship opportunities and event tickets, use the following link for more information!
Please join The ASCE Virginia Section celebrate 100 years of engineering excellence in the Commonwealth! The ASCE Virginia Section is hosting their Centennial Celebration GALA on Saturday, March 26th, 2022 in Richmond, VA. Come join your engineering colleagues from across the Commonwealth for a night of fun and comradery.
Please join the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Norfolk Branch of the Virginia Section to proudly celebrate 100 years of ASCE in Virginia! To mark this special occasion, ASCE Norfolk is hosting a formal banquet at Marriot Norfolk Waterside on March 17, 2022 from 5:00-9:00pm.
Join us in watching and cheering on the ODU Monarchs as they play against Florida Atlantic at the Chartway Arena!
The American Society of Civil Engineers Norfolk Branch invites you to join us for a webinar event to listen to Mr. Victor I. Crawford, P.E., M.ASCE to discuss ASCE Virginia Centennial Celebration.
Monthly Board Meeting - Please email admin@norfolkasce.org for Zoom meeting link to attend.
The webinar event will be presented by technical experts, Alex Forasté, PE and Kendal Walus, PE, and discuss upcoming efforts where VDOT will implement resilient design.
One (1) PDH will be given for attending this event.
Monthly Board Meeting - Please email admin@norfolkasce.org for Zoom meeting link to attend.
ASCE Norfolk Branch Young Member committee is pleased to invite you to a fun game night.
ASCE Norfolk Branch Young Member committee is pleased to invite you to our very first Bartending Night, St. Patty’s edition.
Come learn two drink recipes shared by two of our board members. Ingredient list will be provided at time of RSVP so you can follow along.
We decided to spice up this event with a theme. Wear Green, a shamrock or bring any lucky charms!
Time: 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Zoom© (call information will be available on the day of the event)
Cost: No Cost
ASCE Norfolk Branch
Visit https://asce-zoom-st-pattys-bartending.eventbrite.com to RSVP by 5:00pm, Wednesday March 17th, 2021.
For further information, contact:
Natale Carollo
Office: (757) 497-0490
Juliana Santos
Office: (757) 578-8689
This advertised event is for willing participants 21 years of age or older. Participants take full responsibility for their conduct and are solely and fully responsible for their compliance with state and local regulations as related to the consumption of alcohol.
Monthly Board Meeting - Please email admin@norfolkasce.org for Zoom meeting link to attend.
Join us for ASCE/SEI webinar series to listen to Respectable Local Consultants and Scholars. Up to 5 PDHs will be given at this webinar series.
Join us for ASCE/SEI webinar series to listen to Respectable Local Consultants and Scholars. 1 PDH will be given at this webinar.
Monthly Board Meeting - Please email admin@norfolkasce.org for Zoom meeting link to attend.
WE HAVE MISSED YOU! ASCE Norfolk Branch Young Member committee is pleased to invite you to our come back networking event.
Join us for ASCE/SEI webinar series to listen to Respectable Local Consultants and Scholars. 1 PDH will be given at this webinar.
Join us for ASCE/SEI webinar series to listen to Respectable Local Consultants and Scholars. 1 PDH will be given at this webinar.
Join us for ASCE/SEI webinar series discussing the effects of climate change on infrastructures and coastal resiliency
Monthly Board Meeting - Please reach out for Zoom meeting invite link.