Quick Info for the program: This is a yearly Career Day at the Suburban Park ES, where students, families, teachers, and associates participate to provide exciting and career information for the students. ASCE – Norfolk Branch coordinated our participation through Ms. Dominique Chatman, MA.UED.USC, who is the Professional School Counselor. ASCE – Norfolk Branch member provided educational encouragements and various career path information relating to Civil Engineering, as well as watershed activities that included EnviroScape’s wetland models. We also provided several ASCE swags, stickers, and post cards for the students and parents. The students had great time while introducing them to the world of Civil Engineering.
The event was booth-style and was hosted indoors. Kayode C. Aransiola from the ASCE - Norfolk Branch attended the event, and I was able to meet with many students who showed great interest in engineering profession.