The Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) Norfolk Chapter of ASCE cordially invites you to join us for SEI's Fall Technical Seminar to listen to an update and participate in a discussion on Hampton Road’s recent mega projects.
FOUR (4) PDHs will be given at this event
Date: October 9th, 2019
Time: 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Registration: 7:30 – 8:00 a.m.
Event Program includes the Following Presentations:
Virginia International Gateway Expansion Project
Speaker: Jeff A. Fisher, PE – Chief Engineer, Virginia Port Authority
Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization Update
Speaker: Michael S. Kimbrel – Deputy Executive Director, HRTPO
I-64/264 Interchange Improvements
Speakers: Burt Matteson, PE & Chris Foley, PE – Project Managers, AECOM
Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel Expansion Project
Speaker: Martha Gross, PE – HRBT Project Commercial Director, VDOT
Members & Early Bird $65
Non-Members $85
Government/City Employees $65
Local Students $35
Ticket Prices Include Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks
Get Your Ticket by October 4th, 2019 at 5:00 PM
Early Bird Ticket Sale End on September 15th, 2019
Moderator/Point of Contact
Mohamad S. Amine