The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Norfolk Branch invites you to this great presentation.
Topic: The Role of GIS in Modern Asset Management
Come join the ASCE Society, Norfolk Branch, as we welcome Mr. Russell Vrhovac, GISP. the regional technical sales representative for Trimble Geospatial equipment and software at Duncan-Parnell, as he discusses modern workflows in Asset Management related to Geographic Information Systems, GPS, and field/office workflows. GIS or Geographic Information System is the spatially cognizant database which has become the modern data-backbone of many organizations. GIS has a place in almost every industry from Agriculture, Utilities, Law Enforcement and Emergency Services to Medicine and everywhere in-between. In its most basic form, it is a database of information that happens to have location tied to each row of data. At a higher level, GIS gives context to data which can be used to develop information and drive decision making processes.
Speaker(s): Russell Vrhovac, GISP
Host: ASCE - Norfolk Branch
Time: 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon (Sign-In); 12:00 to 1:00 PM (Lunch & Presentation)
Cost: $25.00 for ASCE Member General Admission; $30.00 for Non-ASCE Member; General Admission, Free
for local engineering students. Credit cards accepted online, Cash and checks accepted at the door. 1 PDH/CEC will be awarded
For registration, visit by 5:00pm, Friday November 15, 2019.
For further information, contact:
Sherif Daghash
Office: 757-631-5477
Changes to reservations and cancellations can be executed online until Friday November 15, 2019. SORRY, BUT NO SHOWS WILL BE BILLED. Make checks payable to: ASCE - Norfolk Branch and present it at the registration table. IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL NEEDS (DIETARY, DISABILITY, ETC.), PLEASE SPECIFY THEM WITH YOUR RESERVATION.