Greetings ASCE Colleagues,
At the ASCE Norfolk Branch this past month, we have been busy with planning and attending educational outreach events, planning for the May 1st Technical Seminar, reaching out to local firms for sponsorship’s, and planning and attending events for the Younger Members, as well as all members and their guests. Our committee chairs are doing an outstanding job in organizing and planning these events. The best way to stay current with all of our events and activities is to visit our website frequently. Our web master is doing a great job in providing a new platform for all ASCE members to view our updates and latest news for each of the committee member programs for both the ASCE Norfolk Branch and SEI Section.
A special congratulations goes out to this year’s award recipients and a special thank you to the ASCE members who volunteered as judges for the event. Please see the Education Outreach Committee updates on the web page for this special event.
Want to become more involved? We are looking for new Board of Director Members to fill our open BOD Positions. We are also looking for volunteer co-chairs to support our committee members and always welcome new ideas from fresh faces. If you interested in becoming more involved, send us a message at the Branch Website.
Please join us to listen to the wonderful presenters and their interesting topics at Annual Spring Technical Seminar on May 1st at the Holiday Inn located on Greenwich Rd, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Our Technical Seminar will cover variety of topics and provide updates on exciting local tunnel projects. The main theme of the seminar will focus on “Tunnel Design, Construction and Maintenance” Up to 7 PDH’s are available for attending the full day event. We look forward to seeing you on May 1st.
All Board of Director Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month and you are welcome to attend. Please let us know in advance if you plan to attend.
Dr. Christopher T. Penny, P.E.
ASCE Norfolk Branch President